hezbollah lebanon

NIS 4m project launched to urgently renovate 4,000 shelters in the north

In 2021, workers were alarmed to discover that shelters had been turned into warehouses, filled with garbage, or exploited as a place to use drugs.

Netanyahu: Hezbollah will long for the Second Lebanon War

"If Hezbollah decides to enter the war," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, "it will long for the Second Lebanon War."

IDF soldiers seriously injured after anti-tank missile impact near Lebanon

The strike on the target was in retaliation for a morning missile launch toward Israeli forces.

WATCH: IDF drones take out hundreds of Hamas targets in Gaza

Using unmanned aerial vehicles, the IDF was able to hit rocket launchers in real-time as they fired toward Israel. 

Lebanon's Hezbollah says it is stronger than before as border clashes rage

The fighting has been the deadliest at the border since Hezbollah and Israel went to war in 2006.


Joe Biden cancels Jordan visit, Palestinian summit with Egypt canceled

Biden was expected to meet the Arab leaders following a solidarity visit to Israel.


Time for IDF to root out Hezbollah, US expert says - analysis

David Wurmser said that “it is imperative that Israel not ask for help. Israel has to win this war on its own.”

IDF, Lebanese army clash on Israel's northern border

Israeli forces fired stun grenades at Lebanese heavy machinery that crossed the border into Israel on Saturday afternoon.

US designates seven financiers, operatives as Hezbollah terrorists

One of the designated parties, Amer Mohamed Akil Rada, was responsible for the 1994 terrorist attack against the Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) in Argentina that killed 85 Jews.

 Aziz Taher

Will Gallant, UN chief's meeting help end Hezbollah standoff on Israel's border?

Israel is attempting to reduce Hezbollah’s ability to invade, but this has infuriated Nasrallah and it is another piece of the conflict between the sides.

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